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Education & Research

Providing education to illuminate the service, experience, and sacrifice of those honored at our cemeteries and memorials.

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Lesson Plans, Interactive Maps and 3-D Imaging

Section 1: Overview of Teaching and Mapping the Geography of the Meuse Argonne Offensive...

A Virtual Field Trip: The ABMC monuments and Meuse-Argonne Cemetery

Section 1: Overview of Teaching and Mapping the Geography of the Meuse Argonne Offensive...

Geography is War, A Case Study of the Argonne Forest and the Lost Battalion

Essential Question: What was the experience like for a U.S. soldier during the Meuse-Argonne campaign? The Argonne Forest loomed as an impenetrable fortress to the east of a landscape of rolling fields with small hills and heights, bordered by the...
A Street in Grandpre

Where? Why There?

Essential question: Where is the Meuse-Argonne? Why did the largest land offensive in U.S. history happen here?...
Farmland today in France shows the type of area where fighting occurred during World War I.

Teaching and Mapping the Geography of the Meuse Argonne Offensive: Introduction

The American Army faced geographic obstacles as it launched its largest offensive of World War One in the Meuse-Argonne Region. The mighty, impregnable Argonne Forest lay to the west of the front and the Meuse River to the east. Across...

Teaching and Mapping the Geography of the Meuse Argonne Offensive

Nearly 100 years later it has become even more difficult for Americans to comprehend the experiences of the 1.2 million U.S. troops that fought in one of the largest military offensives in U.S. history....

War and Family

This is a quick activity to connect students to how war might affect family and loved ones. Students will warm-up with discussion about their own family, watch a short World War I film about Private Ralph E. Weiler and his...
Visual Discovery

Visual Discovery

Students will examine an image through visual discovery. Students will read a primary source document and evaluate the document using a SOAPSTone graphic organizer....
The Human Connection

The Human Connection

The lesson centers on researching an American soldier who fought in World War I. The research used in this lesson creates a connection to the individual and the time period. It also helps to build historical researching skills. Guiding Questions...
The Artist of No Man’s Land

The Artist of No Man’s Land

This 90-minute activity will allow students to discover more about the war experiences of Horace Pippin. Through his diary and artwork, students will analyze the experience of trench warfare according to Pippin. Guiding Questions How were the realities of trench...
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World War II: A Visual History
World War II: A Visual History
World War I Timeline Experience "The Great War: A Visual Experience"
World War I Timeline Experience "The Great War: A Visual Experience"

Burial Search

More than 200,000 fallen service members are honored at an ABMC site. Search the burial database.

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