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Printing Tips

For best certificate printing, please make sure you are using the latest version of your browser and follow these suggestions. Be aware that your print dialogue box may not match the screenshots included below. PC and Mac printing options will vary. These screenshots are included only as an example.


In print dialogue box, select “None” for margins.


In print dialogue box, make sure “Print Headers and Footers” is unchecked.


In print dialogue box:

  1. Check “Ignore Scaling and Shrink Page to Fit.”
  2. Make sure all Page Headers and Page Footers are set to “blank.”

Internet Explorer

Select “Print” and then “Page Setup”:

  1. Check “Shrink to Fit.”
  2. Make sure all Page Headers and Page Footers are set to “empty.”

Print Personal Details

  1. when viewing the Personal Details, click Back to Search
  2. select the checkbox next to the desired record
  3. click the Batch Operations menu at the top of the results list (the 3 vertical dots between the teal box with a 1 and the 1 – 50 in the image below)
    Screenshot of instructions
  4. click Print Results
  5. Leave the Include all Metadata slider set to the ON position
  6. select HTML from the Metadata Format menu
  7. click the Print button
  8. This will produce a page as the one shown below.  Notice it has a Print link in the upper left corner.  Using this print will send the information to a printer, and all text should be within the printable area.

Print Filtered Personal Details

  1. Configure the fields shown in the results list to show the fields that you want to be printed.
  2. select the checkbox next to the desired record
  3. click the Batch Operations menu at the top of the results list
  4. click Print Results
  5. Change the Include all Metadata slider to the OFF position
  6. select HTML from the Metadata Format menu
  7. click the Print button
  8. This will produce a page as the one shown below.  Notice it has a Print link in the upper left corner.  Using this print will send the information to a printer, and all text should be within the printable area.